Illusion - Is Seeing Really Believing?
Illusion - Is Seeing Really Believing (1998)(Marshall Media)[Mac-PC].iso
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It was natural for us to think
of trying to induce strabismus,
and hence amblyopia, in a
kitten or monkey by surgically
cutting an eye muscle at birth,
since we could then look at the
physiology and see what part of
the path had failed. We did this
in half a dozen kittens and
were discouraged to find that
the kittens, like many
children, developed alternating
strabismus; they looked first
with one eye and then the
other. By testing each eye
separately, we soon verified
that they had normal vision in
both eyes. Evidently we had
failed to induce an amblyopia,
and we debated what to do next.
We decided to record from one of
the kittens, even though we
had no idea what we could
possibly learn. (Research often
consists of groping.) The results
were completely unexpected. As
we recorded from cell after cell,
we soon realized that
something strange had
happened to the brain: each
cell responded completely
normally, but only through one
eye. As the electrode advanced
through the cortex, cell after
cell would respond from the left
eye, then suddenly the
sequence would be broken and
the other eye would take over.
Unlike what we had seen after
eye closure, neither eye seemed
to have suffered relative to the
other eye in terms of its overall
hegemony. Binocular cells
occasionally appeared near the
points of transition, but in the
kittens, the proportion of
binocular cells in the
population was about 20 percent
instead of the normal 85
percent, as shown in the graph
to the left.
After we cut one eye muscle in a
kitten at birth and then
recorded after three months,
the great majority of cells were
monocular, falling into groups
1 and 7.
We wondered whether most
of the originally binocular cells
had simply died or become
unresponsive, leaving behind
only monocular cells. This
seemed very unlikely because
as the electrode advanced, the
cortex of these animals yielded
the usual richness of
responding cells: it did not
seem at all like a cortex
depleted of four-fifths of its
cells. In a normal cat, in a
typical penetration parallel to
the surface in the upper layers,
we see about ten to fifteen cells
in a row--all dominated by the
same eye, all obviously
belonging to the same ocular-
dominance column--of which
two or three may be monocular.
In the strabismic animals we
likewise saw ten to fifteen cells
all dominated by one eye, but
now all but two to three were
monocular. Each cell had
apparently come to be
dominated completely or almost
completely by the eye it had
originally merely preferred.
To appreciate the surprising
quality of this result you have
to remember that we had not
really interfered with the total
amount of visual stimulus
reaching either retina. Because
we had no reason to think that
we had injured either eye, we
assumed, correctly as it turned
out, that the overall traffic of
impulses in the two optic
nerves must have been normal.